
Saturday, April 21, 2012


I love my phone. I can doodle on it and share right away. It is a great outlet.
Here's a scribble with blue...

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Ice Cream Sandwich

So I got the latest version of Android on my phone tonight. Ice Cream Sandwich (ICS) as it's called, is the coolest new toy I have. I really liked the previous version (Gingerbread) so I was wondering how different ICS would be. It's mostly subtle improvements and nifty new tricks like Google Beam which allows two enabled phones to share, well, practically anything. Just holding the phones back to back automatically shares whatever has been selected by one user to the other. It's pretty slick.
I even like the keyboard better. Anyway, I'm still new to ICS but so far, it's really great!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Dark Angels

My dreams used to be full of them. I'd fly with them, commune with them. I found comfort within my dreams. They weren't evil or devious. Just dark. Grey mostly...

Wednesday, March 28, 2012


I've played around with the colors on this app and haven't quire found my groove yet. However, once I get a handle on it I'm sure I'll like it. Gray scale is always nice though.
Either way, I'm able to quickly doodle something and share it with you here. That's something I have wanted to do for a long time.
I mentioned before that I'm working on getting a new studio space. I've truly outgrown my current space. So much so that it's hard to even work in.
I'm grateful to have a digital outlet such as this in the meantime. Stay tuned. :)

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Daily Scribble

Not feeling too much today. Mostly numb from work and exhaustion. Looking forward to big studio plans. Still off in the distance, but still there all the same. Somehow I feel it's getting closer...

Have I mentioned that I hate this virtual keyboard?

Must. Sleep. Soon. 

Sunday, March 25, 2012

One more.

This is what it comes out like with email.

Another doodle

I changed the picture settings. Let's see if it makes a difference ....

I got the Blogger App

So here'sa first go at posting from my phone. Gotta say, after 3 months with a virtual keyboard, I still don't like it. That is the ONLY thing I miss about the Blackberry. Oh well. Let's see how this goes. :)

Here's a doodle from one of the drawing apps I got. Enjoy!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Blue Bonnets

There is a park in town with blue bonnets in bloom. I stopped by today to take a few pictures.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Back at it....

It had been WAY too long since I painted ANYTHING. That all ended today when I didn't put anything else first and went straight to my studio and got to it. If I continue to take that approach each and every time I have an opportunity, I'll be doing alright.

I'm making an effort to put an end to the Lulls, once and for all....

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Sunset 2/3/2012

It's been months since I posted anything. Yesterday we had a funeral for a dear, sweet friend of ours. She was 10 and lost her fight with AML leukemia. It was a long, emotional week ending with this. A peaceful, beautiful sunset.