
Saturday, July 23, 2011

Nice Warm Day...

I think the reading on this was a little high, but it was warm out today. This is about day 21 or 22 with 100+ temps here.

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Sunday, July 17, 2011

Study Time

For some reason, I have again decided to try and better myself. Actually, I started studying Finance back in February and quickly got bogged down. Having finished one of these programs a few years ago I knew it would be tough to get back into the rhythm but I underestimated just how difficult it would be. I also grossly over estimated the number of hours in a day. I checked. There's only 24! Can you believe that!? There should be at least 30! Anyway, I've gotten back to it the last couple of weeks and am making a solid effort to finish this module I'm on in the next two weeks. So today is going to be filled with bookworm time and a little drawing time. Then work, study, work, play, draw, study and sleep tomorrow (and the rest of the week.)
So, the moral of the story? I don't know. But I sure could use more hours in a day...

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Saturday, July 2, 2011

Harmony App on Chrome

I have a new toy! The Harmony app on Google Chrome. It's a sketchy sort of deal but fun to play with. I suppose if I get serious, I can finally break down and buy one of those electronic pens....
I'm not serious though. Not yet...

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day!

Saw this video this morning and it cracked me up!

Happy Father's Day to all of you dad's out there!

Saturday, June 18, 2011


I think I'm broken. I've recently become aware of the fact that while I've been doing well at work and keeping up with kids activities and making it home for dinner (most nights) - I've also let my studies and my artwork slide. Now, this sounds like typical over commitment and it probably is. What makes me think I'm broken is the ever present belief that I still somehow have time for everything. Even though my schedule is perpetually demonstrating otherwise. So, I need to find the reset button.
I want to get a grip on my time and make progress on my study modules, paint, take pictures, have dates with the wife, play with the kids, clean the garage, take a road trip, continue to succeed at work, fix up the house, go fishing, go camping, take naps, mow the yard, relax and save money all while living a stress free life...

See what I mean? Broken. Now, where is that reset button.

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Saw these giant kites at the park the other night while listening to an Eagle's tribute/cover band...
Not a bad way to spend a Monday evening.

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Saturday, June 4, 2011

Checking in...

Haven't posted anything lately. Not even sure if this works...



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